Counseling for Ministers
Instructor: Michael Kamplain
Mondays, 9:00 - 12:00 PM
1 Semester: January 13 - April 28
3 Credits
A study of both theoretical formulation and biblical principles to form the basis for supervised laboratory practice of counseling skills for ministers. Non-textual. This course is normally offered in the spring semester.
Certificate Program: Undergraduate Certificate in Christian Counseling (UCCC)
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We offer classes designed to grow your faith and develop your intellect. The Biblical Studies Center now offers the following six 18-hour undergraduate certificate programs that students can earn in the following areas: Christian Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Religious Studies, Church History, General Ministry, and Christian Counseling. All our classes are accredited through Oklahoma Christian University. We welcome anyone to take our courses. They’re beneficial for college students, pastors, church staff, and anyone else who is looking to learn more about theology, culture, the Bible, and the church.
Classes are $10/credit for students and young adults, and $50/credit for community members. Students can audit a class for free, and community members can audit a class for $50.